
Thanks for the message in a bottle!


Thank you for the message in a bottle! We found it today at the ferry landing at Pärnäs. The picture was beautiful and it would be nice to see all the animals live. I liked the message in a bottle. We’re on our way to the Aspö island. We left the bottle on the shore so someone else can find it.

Greetings from KH, 6 years old, Turku

Greetings from Jurmo

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer!

Thank you for the delightful surprise I found in a gap between the rocks, i.e. your message-in-a-bottle! I found it quite close to Ethel’s sauna where we spent the night. I came upon it when I was by myself returning from a walk. My first reactions were probably enthusiasm, amazement and hesitation. I wondered what could it be, could I take it, could I open it and what if it is something I can’t reply to. A surprising situation can give rise to some very strangely serious questions (at least in my case), but in the end I found out it was a gift!

All in all, this trip has felt like a great gift. My friend R. and I are in Jurmo for the first time and it seemed amazing that Ethel’s sauna happened to be available when we decided a couple of weeks ago that we wanted to go somewhere in the archipelago. The weather has been summery, although there is already a slight hint of autumn in the air,

The sun has been shining all these four days and the sea has been completely calm for the entire time. It would probably be the ideal weather to paddle to Utö. 😀

Tomorrow we’ll go for home, but if possible I think I’ll return here again.

I wish the best of adventures for you!

Kind regards, S.

To the Lighthouse

We have a Dutch artist called M. in residence here in Kaarnaranta. Our first ”real” resident, we plan to make this a place for artists.

In order to get away from city life and airports and the kind we decided to bring her to here by sailboat instead of going by car. We made there trip together with friends, and stopped at Söderskär.

Once on the island we found your magnificent message in a bottle!



I received a bottle mail.

Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan

Hayama Lifesaving Club

Message in a bottle

Happy weekend.

Yesterday we found your bottle post by the shore of Senja. It is an island in the north of Norway. We were picking garbage along a rocky beach when we found the bottle. I shall read the whole description of your trip the next days.

We are a bit curious about when and where the bottles were thrown into the sea, and how many bottles you sent away. The bottle that appeared in Trettevika must have traveled a long way. 😊

Flaschenpost aus Finnland

On Saturday, February 17h. we found the bottle with the message in Kiel Schilksee, Germany.

The handball club THW Kiel had organized an event to collect rubbish at the beach with the name ”beach-clean-up”, which we took part in. The bottle lay in a sand dune at the beach section ”Kurstrasse”.

The bottle discovery was even mentioned in the daily newspaper.

Best regards vom Germany!

Message in a bottle


I found your message in a bottle on the coast of Benijo in Tenerife! How on earth did it manage to get past Denmark to here?? 

I really enjoyed your story!  

I’ve been wild hammocking around Tenerife this week. This made the trip all that more special. 

I have attached some images of the trip <3

We received your bottle!

Hi Kaisa and Christoffer!

To our biggest surprise, one of our colleagues and his sailing course students found one of your bottles on the beach right next to our workplace yesterday : it was a really pleasant surprise and we even thought it was a joke from one of our colleagues before Christmas Holidays!

We are from the Base de l’Aigle Nautique in Nice (France), and they found your bottle on the Plage des Bains Militaires. We are several organizations, ranging from diving, sailing, kayaking, and marine environmental awareness. We welcome several classes and children from 8 to 16 during the year, even for the holidays.

We want to thank you for this sweet attention and this brought us so much joy, just to find a real message in a bottle ! I hope you have a great day, thank you very much for reaching out in such an original way!

Message in a bottle

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer,

We found your message in a bottle at the end of July near the island Borstö where our summer cottage is located. We are in the habit of going around collecting trash from the nearby Saaristomeri National Park islands. During one of these trash collecting trips our 7-year old daughter noticed your bottle.

This is not the first time we have found a message in a bottle but it is most certainly the most beautiful one. We read your exciting travel story little by little as bedtime stories while admiring the wonderful illustrations. Your story brought much joy to us and in the future it will bring joy to friends visiting us! Thank you very much!

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer!

This message is to say thank you! 💛

My husband and I had our first camping experience trip in Sandö, Ahlainen, and it was amazing! 

We were in our second day of camping and we discoverd some Kantarelli next to our tent, so we decided to look for more. Suddenly I discovered a big rock and I thought: If I climb this rock I could find more Kantarelli. But instead, I looked at the bottom of the rock and I saw a bottle with a message inside. I was so amazed and I called to my husband. First I thought that it was a love letter, and my husband thought that it was money but then we realized that we had discovered a treasure. 

And I also want to tell you a little bit about us. We met five years ago in Monterrey, Mexico. My husband was an exchange student and I was studying Industrial Design. I saw him in an orientation course and I fell in love with him on the first sight.

Then later, thanks to my roommate we met at a party, we fell in love, and spent an amazing five months full of love together. We decided to fight for our love and for the last four years we could only meet once a year. 
We fought to stay together, and finally I moved here last February and finally we could get married.

You definitely made our camping trip so much more memorable than it already was.  Discovering this priceless artefact made us feel very special and motivated to go on more adventures together.

And you really inspired us with your amazing ”Story of an unforgettable journey along the southern coast of Finland in early June” and with your adventurous life.

All the best to you!

Message in a bottle


I found your message in a bottle yesterday at the coordinates N61 25.5210 and E21 22.1520 in the island Nirvo’s shore in the Luvia archipelago. There was no year present, but the bottle looked so pristine that it might have been sent out perhaps last summer.

Thank you for the mail. I haven’t yet come around to read it all, as there was quite a lot to digest.

As it happens I was kayaking in the most wonderful weather at Luvia. I’ve never before been to the island Nirvo. I myself am from Pori, and have known about the place and have even paddled in the waters earlier.

As I was alone I didn’t take a photo of myself, but here are a couple of photos from the island!

We found the bottle

We found the bottle at Djukviken, Geta. The story was nice. We found it while on a sailing trip with our scout group Myrskypojat from Rauma. We threw it back in the sea so someone else can find it.


Myrskypojat, S/Y Meripurakk

Found it!

Found it on a small island named Björkholmen close to Amiralshamnen. 
It was nice finding the message.

We found your bottlemail!

We found your bottlemail between the rocks near Pärnäs ferry station with my friend. We are biology students from University of Turku and were on a field trip to Jurmo to do some birdwatching, and since our bus was late we had some time to hang around and that’s when we found the bottle.

Your story was so lovely lovely lovely! Such a long way to paddle, but such a cozy comic. It almost feels like I would know all four of you personally even though I have no idea of what you even look like other than cute cartoon animals.

The bottle in which the mail was is now working as an ”ecosphere” formed from all things aquatic found from the shore and is even home to three amphipods!

I found your message!

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer!

I found your message in a bottle a few of months ago in South Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA. Please forgive my slow reply! I found it on the side of a road that leads to a beach a mile from my home. I was walking my dog. I saw the bottle and decided to just leave it as it was way up the hill, a mile from the beach where it could not have been washed ashore. And it looked as though it had not been battered by the sea. So, naturally, I was suspicious, and though it looked like a message in a bottle, I though it must just be some advertisement for something, I will be 71 years old in May, and did not have glasses with me and could not read the writing to clear up my confusion.

After about the third time walking by with my dog, and it was still there, I decided I would bring it home and see what it was. It was a wonderful surprise to see that it was indeed a message from afar, though how it came to be at the top of this beach road in such pristine condition, I do not understand…

You had a most challenging and interesting voyage indeed, which I read with great interest! Bravo to you all for succeeding! Your narrative is engaging and well written and I was brought right into your experience, which I appreciated!

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your adventure in this way. It gave me great pleasure. I wish you much joy and success in your future endeavors.

Message in a bottle / Flaskpost / Flaskepost

Dear Kaisa & Christoffer, Finland,

My children and I found a bottle with your wonderful message in it. It was found at Lindholmen in central Gothenburg.

I am from Denmark. The kids have a Swedish mother. I read your letter and message to them.

It was so thrilling for us to read it and to reflect on the fact that it had been on the water and that we found it. It also made us make another message in a bottle that they threw in the water.

Thank you for creating and stimulating imagination and fantasy.

Hope you are well.

We found a bottle with your letter

Hello Kaisa & Christoffer,

Happy New Year! Gott nytt år! Hyvää uutta vuotta!

Just wanted to say that we found your letter (flaskpost) in the summer in Karlbergskanalen in Stockholm. I had forgotten to send you an email about it, but found the letter now that I was cleaning out drawers in our second home in Stockholm. 

When we found the bottle we were, the whole family out with kayaks in Stockholm. We are a family from Finland (Jakobstad) but have lived for 10 years in Mallorca, and we were spending some weeks of the summer in Stockholm when we found this bottle. Sorry for taking such a long time to get back to you.

Thanks you for the letter and the stories about the journey!

Message in a bottle

Hello Kaisa & Christoffer!!!

I found your message in a bottle at Little Beach, Dartmouth, Massachusetts!!! Me, my dad and his girlfriend found it while going on a walk at the beach and we all read the story of your travels together!! We all enjoyed it and found it really interesting, and i especially loved the little drawings on each pages. Here’s a photo of my dad when he first found the bottle.

Thank you so much for the story!! 

We received your mystery bottle!

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer, We managed to find your bottle!

We were at the beach and my aunts dog seemed to have found something and it was this incredible bottle! It as passed a year sinced we found it but the i decided to send you this email! We live in Portugal which is next to Spain!

Thank you for this amazing bottle I wish the best for you!

Message in a bottle on Utö

Hello Kaisa

We were leaping up and down the cliffs with the school kids on the southern tip of Utö and found your message in a bottle tucked away between the rocks. What a surprise!

At the school the bigger students grabbed their computers and started translating your diary. We also checked out your photos and comics online.

I hope you and your husband will have a lovely fall!

Message in a bottle

I found one of your bottles. It was a really pleasant and exciting find just by Liljeholmen in Stockholm. I found it over 1.5 years ago but I just rediscovered it and thought that I had to message you, just like you messaged me (the only difference being that I message you intentionally 😉).
Thank you for contributing to happy moments in strangers lives! 
Will you continue with your “messages in a bottle”? I for one truly hope so. 

Hi Christoffer!

We found your message-in-a-bottle in Pärnäs. Right now we’re on a trip from Helsinki to Turku on the sailship Helena. We left on Monday, and have spent the night in Jussarö, Utö, and now here in Pärnäs. It’s a Venda-project that organises adventure tours for young adults from the area around Helsinki. 

We found your story in a bottle …

Good Afternoon Kaisa and Christoffer,

I do hope you are well – we just wanted to reach out as we discovered your story in a bottle! 

What a lovely surprise whilst walking the beach in Oostend last weekend. It was our dog, Reuben @reuben_the_springer that discovered it first…

Fascinated by your beautiful and well illustrated story, we had to write and say Hi!

We – My wife and I are living nearby Mons, Belgium – serving with the British Army (originally from England) – posted here for two years – 5 months in and loving it, esp our adventures around Belgium (hence our visit to the coast)…

Here are a couple of photos with your bottle – do you have a blog or social media account we could perhaps follow your story?

Kind Regards
J. and K.

Hello from Iceland

Me and my friend found your your letter in the bottle! We were just biking and saw a bottle with an paper in it so we decided to check it out.

I found it…

The first day I walked past and noticed the bottle and thought to myself how cute may be a local student left it for a school project or something. My wife was hiking fast so kept on going.

On the way home I kept wondering I wonder what was inside that bottle. The next day we went back really early this time I told my wife hey I want to stop and see what’s in  the bottle… she doesn’t like to stop for anything even if I have to tie my shoe.

Anyhow we stopped. I opened the bottle and carefully removed the papers. I was looking at my wife and she’s looking at me like – it’s taking too long – I told her OK don’t worry you go ahead I’ll catch up.

I wasn’t wearing my glasses so I couldn’t read them and the papers being all relatively the same color I assumed that they were several copies of one paper and that I should just take one and I would read it later.

Luckily I took page number one and the explanation note I rolled the rest of the papers back up and put them inside the bottle put the paper in my pocket continuing my hike and went home.

Later that night when everyone went  to bed I remembered the paper fetched it from my jacket sat down in my chair and to my greatest surprise and joy began reading your story. The only problem is now I realized that I made a mistake and I needed to know the rest of the story.

I was worried that somebody else would find the bottle and they wouldn’t have the explanation note and I would never be able to discover anymore because I could not leave early the next morning I had to wait until 3 o’clock in the afternoon for my wife to get home before I could go back.

Luckily we made it back the next day and I retrieved the bottle but when I got home I realized that pages two and three are missing I think somebody like me opened the bottle decided to take one paper and put the rest back thinking that maybe they were all the same.

Anyhow I’m sitting here comfortable in my chair getting ready to finish your story I’ve researched the places that you’ve mentioned I can only imagine what an adventure that was given to ruggedness of the country.

I’ve been fascinated with Scandinavian countries I had a friend from Finland when I was a teenager my best friend is Swedish descent and a few years ago I discovered that my 14th great grandfather left Ireland for a Copenhagen and lived with a Mennonite group of people that later left for the United States in the 1640s.

Thank you so much for sharing this and if there’s anyway I can get page 2 and three to complete the story that would be great!

Thank you again so much And if you do come to Rhode Island please let me know I own a small summertime restaurant and ice cream store I would be very happy to host you and meet you

Thank you again, JR 

Bottle message found

Hey dear Kaisa & Christoffer.

Me and my cousins found your bottle message few days ago. We found it on a beach in Iceland in Garðabær. We are 13,12 and 10. We loved your story. It was real fun finding it and we are glad we found it. Here are photos. Thanks for it. And we would like to hear from you too. Bye????

Message in a Bottle

Hello friends!

I was so excited to find this message in a Bottle at Ocean View Farms in Dartmouth Massachusetts. I found this Sunday, January 16th during an early morning walk in the 17 degree weather. I welcomed reading your comic over my morning coffee. 

Instead of holding onto the bottle I plan to pass it along by placing it in a new location during my travels. Hope to hear from you from across the seas!

We found message in a bottle at Brännö, Sweden


I am 7 years old, and I found the message in a bottle at Brännö this summer. We haven’t read it yet but we’ll do so in the coming days. I was very happy when I found it, I found it in some rocks at Brännö when we were there for my aunt’s wedding.

I live in Åre, Sweden. I wanted to send you an e-mail to say hi ????????????❄️❄️☃️☃️

Bottle in Iceland


We (me, my 6 years old son and our dog) found your bottle under a small bridge over a small creek in Fossvogur between Kópavogur and Reykjavík in Iceland.

My son was out of school due to Covid quarantine. He was very happy to get your story. He thinks the bottle and the story around it is very exciting.

Message in a bottle

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer

We in 3. Class in Sjálandsskóli in Iceland found your bottle today 4. janúar.

When did you put the bottle in the ocean, what date? We are curius to know how long it took the bottle to come to Iceland.

Story in a Bottle

More than 200 km from Utö, on Ferry Island (Lauttasaari), that stormy day (Friday, October 22nd), when the sea was angry. 

White-foam waves crashed into the rocky coast. 20 km/h winds whistled through the almost bare trees.

At the waters edge, where fallen leaves meet sea debris, a bottle lay peacefully. Inside the transparent bottle a letter. Was this a coincidence, a fluke, an omen?

Just days before this discovery, the final touches had been completed on the author’s children’s story book, ’My Favorite Word in a Bottle.’

The unforgettable journey of a bottle from Utö has many similarities to the stories in ’My Favorite Word in a Bottle.’ Disappointment, overcoming obstacles, and character development are just a few of those.

The physical bottle from Utö and the written story from Ferry Island will now continue on their magical journeys. Their destinations are unknown but their story has certainly been enhanced though this haphazard encounter.

The bottle from Utö might after all have been an anticipatory sign of the journey awaiting ’My Favorite Word in a Bottle.’ Good, Bad?

Thanks for this curious incident.

kind regards
Dr. G

Message in a bottle


We found your message in a bottle on the 24th of August in Visby, Gotland. Our 3 children had fun with it, thank you. We still translate the letter in German. 🙂

It’s a very nice idea of you with the message in a bottle. Now the bottle is in Switzerland.

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer

My name is Anastasia, and one day I went to the shore at Lauttasaari. Once there I walked with a metal detector to the rocks by the beach and saw something shining – a bottle! It was in the middle of the rocks.

I picked up the bottle and opened its cap. The cap was a little damaged, so I was a bit apprehensive, but it opened and was so happy! I felt like I had fallen into another time in history.

I unrolled the sheets of paper and studied the writing and the images. It was like Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck from the days gone by. I brought the bottle along with me when my godmother and I went visiting a couple of friends from England. We read the letter with my friends.

Thank you Kaisa and Christoffer!

The Message

Dear Kaisa & Christoffer,

We found one of your messages in a bottle on 15th May 2021 on the rock formations next to the Fort of Saint Susana, one hour walking distance from Ericeira beach in Portugal.

It has been with us for some time and just now I find the time to write to you and let you know. Having seen the already found bottles on your Logbook and the amount of your letters found on Ericeira beach, I wonder if ours was already left by some other finder.

Sadly the bottle was so firmly stuck in between some rocks that it broke while we were trying to get it out. The letter inside didn’t get damaged, though.

Funny that being an Estonian, a neighbour to Finland, I should find this message in a bottle in my second home country – Portugal!

All the best for your future adventures,
L & J

The loving magic of your message in a bottle

Hey Finland ?,

The magic message within the bottle that I have found on June the 25th close to Scheveningen beach brought me the love of my life. Within 24 hours after finding your message in a bottle I was getting into contact with my new love M. who has been born in the romantic city of love in Paris, France…

For our first date I have invited M. to the magical spot where I have found your message in a bottle to make it extra special to the both of us. It has been a magical and loving experience as we started to have some additional romantic dates…which has been the start of a beautiful loving relationship ❤️❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨✨????????

Thank you for being part of this magical situation. ????? I have already sent you a previous E-mail on June the 25th, but of course I have to share the rest of the magical experience with you as well. You have permission to use this on your own website….

With love ❤️,
E007 & M


My name is Faith, I‘m from Germany and i went to visit my family in the Netherlands and I found this bottle on the beach.

Well thank you for that, it’s really good!


HGreetings from the Helsingholm island, Dragsfjärd in the Kimitoö county. My 11 year old son and I found your message in the flower garden next to our front door. Thank you! What a nice surprise and gift!

We run a small cafeteria in the garden in the summertimes, and thought one of our guests had forgotten a bottle in the flower bed, but to our amazement and joy there was a message in it.

Thousands of thanks for being allowed to take part in you story!

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer

I am writing to you from the Hague in the Netherlands, where I found one of your lovely messages in a bottle. It has actually been with me for a little while already, but it is only now that I am finding the time to write to you. I found the bottle when I was doing my Nordic (!) beach sport called Pullka. We opened the bottle with the whole group and have passed on your story since – and it has brought joy to all of us. Thank you for spreading this joy to strangers!! 

Attached, I am sending you a picture of the bottle in my Pullka sled.

Message in a bottle

Dear Kaisa and Christopher,

What a beautiful story and piece of history you have done. I will definitely pass this story on to a stranger who finds the bottle and hopefully that person will continue the story. The location where the bottle was located was on the beach of Scheveningen in the Netherlands.


Hi Kaisa &Christoffer, just to let you know I have found your message in a bottle whilst walking my dog in a field where I live in the town of Dawlish in the south west of England. It is very interesting to read although I shall need a little longer as I am 74 yrs old!!

Dawlish is a very pretty town with beaches which I can swim from when it’s warm enough!I shall pass the bottle on when I am finished although I want to show and discuss with my grandchildren. Well done, a great idea.

Message in a bottle near the Kökar church


I found your message in a bottle yesterday on the rocks near the Kökar church! I was excited because I had never seen a message in a bottle before. 🙂 I’m spending midsummer here in the Åland archipelago with my family and friends and we all enjoyed your message, thank you.

This is a great idea, I hope as many people as possible will find these messages!


Moi Kaisa and Christoffer,

Your message in a bottle made our day! We found it in the Hague (in front of our favorite beach club) on a windy day where buddy Bram (left) and I (right) were attempting to toss a frisbee in very windy conditions.

Bram hasn’t read it but he got to the second picture. I read the full thing and thoroughly enjoyed it! What an adventure you went on. Have you ever considered making the crossing to Sweden? One thing kept me thinking however. You mentioned you had a head wind for a few days. I did some googling and found out that the prevailing wind direction in the Gulf is from the west. Wouldn’t it have been easier to start at the island and make your way back? Either way, kudos for your perseverance! 

In addition, your story appealed to me as I was an avid peddler myself (ps, eager to pick it up again). Before moving the Hague I lived on a houseboat in Amsterdam. I had a kayak attached to my boat, which meant I only had to open my window and I could peddle away. See my Strave screenshot for my last (and final) trip.

Your story also reminded me of a crossing in Australia by Beau Miles [Link]. I think you’d like the adventure and the philosophical spin he gives to his trip.
Out of curiosity, where do you live in Finland? I visited last year and keen to visit with Bram at some point as we are both nature and outdoor fanatics. Also, we are very curious to hear more about this little project you started with 10 days 1 night 🙂

Moi moi and keep exploring!

Hi! I found your drift bottle

Hi! I am a little girl in the fifth grade of elementary school. I found a drifting bottle in Wu Kai Sha, Hong Kong yesterday. Yes! I am a hongkonger. I think you are not from Hong Kong so if I have any grammatical errors, please forgive me.? I speak Chinese but I will try to understand your diary, and of course I will also use external force. (translation) I like reading books very much, I have a lot of books so I am very interested in your diary (I have not finished reading) I hope to receive a reply.

Message in a bottle found

Hi Kaisa and Christoffer,

We have found your bottle with a message on the beach of Zuiderstrand, The Hague, Netherlands.

We will now go read the story, have a nice Sunday!

Greetings from Lisbon

Hello fellow travellers,

The other day, we went for a hike in Ericeira, Portugal and found your bottle post! Greetings from Lisbon.

Take care!

Message in a bottle found in The Netherlands

Dearest Kaisa And Christoffer,

I have found one of your message in a bottles close to Scheveningen beach in The Netherlands. Always wanted to find a message in a bottle during my lifetime.

All The best to you.


Hello, I found your message in the bottles today at the beach of Den Haag. Very nice done!! When did you throw it in the water? And really from Utö??

Message in a bottle

Hi Kaisa & Christoffer,

Yesterday I found your story in a bottle at the beach in The Hague (NL). It made my day. It was a beautiful evening and I headed out to the beach to read a book and enjoy the sound of the sea. 
The message made it very special. I really liked the kayak story and loved the drawings. 

I would love to send you a little thank you in return. To spread the joy. Is there a postal address I can send a letter to?

Kind regards,


Hello Kaisa and Christoffer.

We are a couple, S. and P., who found the bottle. We found it when spending an afternoon at the beach. The beach is called Calada and it’s located in the council of Mafra very close to Ericeira in Portugal.

We were very surprised when we saw the bottle. We weren’t expecting to find anything, our plan was just to rest and enjoy the beautiful day.

We are grateful.

I’m sending here some photos of the beach and of the bottle.

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer

WOW, what a surprise. Prior to this I have never received a message in a bottle but on the 16th of May 2021 I rode my bike to Jollas to do some sunbathing. I placed my bike against a tree.

Once I was done with the sunbathing I got up and saw the bottle and became somewhat curious… and ended up grabbing the bottle.

Oh how fun it was to get mail!

Thank you and good luck with your upcoming paddling tours! <3

Kind regards, S.

I got your message!


I found you message in a bottle yesterday at the Reposalmi beach in Helsinki.

When did you send it out? I was very happy to find it, this was my first paddling trip after a long and hard winter. I spent Easter on Utö, so it was wonderful to read about your trip!

Nautical greetings

PS. In the photo you can see my kayak Carolina

I found your bottle :)


I found your bottle from Laajasalo, Helsinki!
Such a nice surprise, while taking a short walk in the beginning of summer.

This kind of things really makes people’s day, especially during these hard times.

Have a nice summer!

Message in a bottle

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer,

A message in a bottle – our boys were very excited, when they found it at the beach of Wallnau/Fehmarn, an island on the baltic sea coast of Germany. We translated a bit for them, but they were fascinated the most by the cute drawings.

Your story touched our hearts, especially in that time, as traveling isn’t hardly possible. And it is funny, that we found your report, because we are kayakers, too. It reminded us of several tours with our friends and we felt with you, as you wrote about bad weather conditions, sore muscles but nonetheless a big adventure with friends.

We really liked your thought about the sea as a sanctuary. When we were on tour with our kayak, it didn’t take much time to clear the mind and leave stress and worries behind us and find peace in the beautiful nature around us. To think about the gorgeous environment drew us closer to our creator. In everyday life it isn’t so easy to feel that, but we are convinced that our creator is close to us.

One of our favorite quotes is from the bible and we would like to share that with you: ”If I would fly away with the wings of the dawn to reside by the most remote sea, even there your hand would lead me and your right hand would take hold of me.

If I say: ”Surely darkness will conceal me!” Then the night around me would become light. Even the darkness would not be too dark for you, but night would be as bright as the day. Darkness is the same as light to you.” (Psalms 139:9-12)

A friendship with God is our lighthouse in life and guides us through all our trials and tribulations. If you want to, have a look at the website jw.org. There you find many interesting answers to life’s big questions in more than 1000 languages.

Finally, we want to thank you for your great report and hope that you stay healthy.

Yours faithfully,
A. & S. and two boys from Germany

Hello from Christiansø and Frederiksø

Hello we found you message on Frederiksø in Denmark.

We were watching the sunset with good friends, drinking wine, spotting seals and listening to the ocean and the sound of eider ducks.

Suddenly we found your message. Thank you! We look forward to read the whole story when we are sober.

Hello from Jacob, Lasse, Betina and Louise


Thank you for the message in a bottle! Such a super exciting thing to find! I found it at the Tullisaari beach (Helsinki).

E. 7 YO

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer

We have found your message in a bottle here on the Island of Christiansø north of Bornholm. 

We live in Bornholm and are here on holiday. 

When did you sent it? 

Yours sincerely 
Henriette, Hanne, Alfred and Andreas 

Message in a Bottle!

On April 11th of this year, my brother and I traveled to visit graduate schools (I had to make a decision soon). After visiting Rodger Williams University, a local told us to hike the Cliff Walk in Newport, Rhode Island.

After trekking along for several miles, we decided to turn and head back to the car. There was a sandy part of the beach we had passed and wished to collect sand for our mother. There was one problem, we had no receptacle to hold sand.

We made a makeshift one from a hallow stick we found, but as my brother went to put the sand in the stick, I looked down and found your bottle! (Yes, it now holds sand from Newport). The amusing thing is, we are from Chicago!
Finding this bottle was a great surprise and the start of what ended up being a wild trip from schools to this message in a bottle, meeting long-lost relatives and reconnecting with loved ones. I believe this was a good luck sign that allowed all the sequential events to occur.
Thank you for sharing your story!

Hey Kaisa and Christoffer

It is Sunday the 25th of April. I found your message in a bottle during my morning walk by Hamngatan in Mariehamn. How fun to come across something as unusual as this. I hope you had a good stay on Åland.

Unfortunately I do not speak Finnish and very little English, but I am incredibly happy to have found your message in a bottle!

Beautiful message, Middletown Ri


Wow, such an amazing adventure, and biography story. So we’ll written and described! 

I just had knee surgery last week, so this was one of my 1st walks back our with my son K, 14.

My name is E., and I love these shorelines. Have written and illustrated my own little story. Called The Adventures of Rhody Driftwood, a magical Adventure, inspired by these shorelines, and my work with www.ridriftwoodproject.com 

Thank you so kindly for sharing your journeys! We were very delighted to read the entire story right there next to out little stone pyramid I visit frequently, when more mobile. Kind of my sanctuary spot!

Just love your illustrations! So cool!

Here are a couple pics! As well as my most recent painting. ”Universal connections”.

Kindly, safe journeys!

Message in a bottle

Dear Kaisa & Christoffer!

We had a cosy pancakes breakfast and were wondering about the crazy weather with storm, snow, rain, hail and sun.

What an exciting Sunday morning (11th of April) it was when Thomas came home after a fine early morning surf in nice waves and strong north easterly winds and showed us what he found on the beach of Strande/Bülk Northern Germany.

A message in a bottle! The first one we found after we already had sent one once, which was found by a guy from our hood ?.

We are a funny family with four kids living in this nice area at the Baltic Sea and it was a great fun to read your story!

Thanks for this Sunday surprise! Would be fine to hear from your.

All the best!

Hello, Kaisa and Christoffer!

I have just sniffed out your bottles while I was walking on the beach in Schilksee.

Unfortunately we can’t read the text, but we will get help. We live in Schilksee, I am two years old and go for two walks a day on the beach, of course with my owner.

We would be happy to hear from you.

Greetings from me, Paula and from my owner Karin

Letter on beach

We found your bottle at Brenton state park in Newport Rhode Island, USA (exactly 41.4499969, -71.3531951).

We were strolling along on the rocky shores, taking in the beautiful views of the great Atlantic Ocean when we pleasantly stumbled upon the note, which was lying there as if it was meant for us.

We read the note and were fulfilled with joy. It makes us so overcome with happiness to know there are people out there spreading positive energy in these difficult times. 

Bottle on the beach

Here my first mail on short notice.
I found your bottle in the North of Kiel (Germany).
Thank you very much to bring me the extra smile into my life.
See you


Hi Kaisa, hi Kristoffer,  Thank you very much for your Story! 

Greetings from Schwedeneck (Surendorf) Germany!

Bottle found

Hello there,

Happy Easter. I am sending you a photograph of where I found your bottle today. It was found at The shore of Cook Inlet Anchorage, Alaska (USA).

I was born in Kurikka, Finland and came to Alaska as a Nordic skier in 1986 to ski for the University here.

I married an American and have 3 kids. I am still a citizen of Finland and my son is serving in the army in Finland right now. (My wife is writing this, hence it is in English and not Finnish).
We will read all of this later as we are preparing for our Easter feast.

My dog (Oakley) was excited on our walk and brought me close to your bottle chasing birds.


Dear Kaisa

We found one of your bottles – it was such a joyous miracle!


We are a school in Hasle, Svartingedal, 1. Grade that found your bottle at the seaside. I was a boy called, Victor, that found the bottle. Now we are finding out where Utö is placed, so that we can show the children where it is on a map.

Were you on holiday on Bornholm and placed the bottle?

I send some pictures from my phone. We will read the story for the children, or tell it, they are 6-7 years old.

Venlig hilsen,

I found your bottle ;)

Hi Kaisa and Christoffer,

Nice to meet you and hope you are enjoying a nice sunny Sunday at this moment!

I live in the Netherlands. Yesterday I took a walk at De Zandmotor, the beach close to The Hague, and I found this little bottle of surprise! This morning I read through your stories of the 11-day journey in Utö. I’ve never been to Finland before. Your stories make me curious how Utö is like in real life. 😉

I just want to let you know this bottle definitely brought me joy. I have recently started a new job and it’s quite stressful. That’s why I took a walk alone yesterday on the beach, even though it was only 5 degree there. I love travelling and adventure too, but I didn’t travel to anywhere in the past year because of coronavirus. This whole life change put me under a lot of pressure and there is no place for me to release it. I don’t know if you are a believer of serendipity (I do:)), I see this as a sign to bring me hope and keep me strong! Thanks for sharing your stories with the world this way!

Hope you stay safe and healthy!

Found your bottle in Monster

Hi Kaisa and Christoffer,

After en long day working from home spending it behind my laptop I decided to go for a walk. We are very blessed that we live really close to the beach here in Monster, Netherlands. It’s a strange name for a beautiful place.

It was de second day of Spring, but felt like early May. I was really enjoying where I was. You must know that when I’m walking on ”our” beach I always collect trash of others who left it behind. I was raised with the mantra ”Leave nothing behind but footsteps”. When I approached the shoreline, my eye was caught to 2 cans of beer in the sand. Empty and abandoned. Slightly annoyed I picked them up and walked to the nearest garbage bin, 50 meters away.

Along that walk I noticed a glass bottle in the sand. My frustration got bigger. ”Why do people leave their thrash on such a natural place? And wat is the effort you have to make when the garbage bin is only 20 meters away?”

I picked the bottle up and noticed it was not empty, but contained paper.When I read the introduction, my frustration disappeared.

I took a picture, walked back with a smile and read you story when I returned home.

Thanks for the great ending of my workday!

Message in a bottle

Hi Kaisa and Christoffer

I’m a lucky finder of one of your messages in a bottle!! I actually found it in August of last year, when I was visiting the small island Christiansø off the coast of Bornholm in Denmark. I’m sorry I’m not writing you until now  — but honestly, that’s me in a nutshell!

It was so exhilarating and so magical to find it on such a beautiful evening and location. I’m a comics artist myself, and I recognized your work, because it was introduced to me a couple of weeks before my trip by a friend  — we share a studio, and she had presented your work at our friday bar! So when I saw hints of your drawings in there  — the hand drawn characters  — I understood I had found something very special!

Thanks so so much for this experience, and the beautiful comics you make. It really inspired me to make comics and travel and write about my thoughts and experiences.

I found a bottle!


Today I was doing one of my hobbies – collecting pieces of glass (haha) at my get-away-place Gressholmen in Oslo, and then I suddenly found your message in a bottle! 

So well done illustrations and idea – I will read it tonight. 🙂

Thank you for the supernice and much-needed surprise!

Digital hugs from Oslo

Bottle Found on the French Riviera

I’m from Nice, France. I was on a walk with my dad in Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat and we found your bottle on the beach, it was a nice surprise! ?

From where and when did you send it ? 

I hope you are well and I wish you a lot of beautiful adventures! 

Bottle in the sea

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer

We are a retired couple spending the Christmas vacation in our holiday apartment in Nice on the Promenade des Anglais in France.

And as we have a small 8 month old hunting dog, my husband takes her for a walk early in the morning on the beach and that’s where he found your ”bottle in the sea” on the pebbles, it was January 2nd 2021. Now I have to translate all this. . .

I enclose the photos of our find. Wish you a very happy new year 2021 full of happiness and health!

Message in a bottle – found in Reykjavík Iceland

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer!

I am the finder – thank you for the lovely message / travel story from your trip around Utö. I was walking my dog and picking up trash along the coastline of Laugarnestangi in Reykjavík when I found it. I then brought it home and opened it with my kids (8 and 11 years old), very excited. I have yet to completely read it through but it is lovely.

I googled you already and found your Instagram account and I would love to get to know you better and more about your message. When it was sent and how many you sent out and from where? Along with my mail you will receive a photo of Grímur and the view from Laugarnestangi overlooking Reykjavík very early in the morning on the 30th of December.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2021.

Message in a bottle

I found one of your messages in a bottle on Portobello beach in Edinburgh, Scotland. I’ve never found a message in a bottle before so it was very exciting. 

I really enjoyed reading about you and your friends journey – it sounded very exciting! 

Here is a picture of me with the story by the beach where I found it. 

I’ve found your message in a bottle on the beach of Nice, France

It makes me dreaming. . . I was going to talk to God like every day and suddenly i saw your bottle. . . what a surprise!

I haven’t read the whole story yet but i will. I am an artist too. Thank you for dream in the darkness that everybody is only talking about!

Good luck and read you later!

Hi Kaisa, Christoffer, Jonne & Miikka

I found one of your messages in a bottle. Well, I did not find it yesterday, but already on 18. October, today exactly two month ago.

Why did it take me so long to send you an answer? You know how life is. Always obligations, always things to do, and to be honest, over some period of time I had just forgotten about your bottle.

But think about it that way: if you had consigned a REAL message in a bottle to the sea, you might have waited for years eventually to get some kind of response – if ever…

Now I am on vacation and there is plenty of time to dedicate myself to your message…

I found your bottle on the beautiful little island ”Gressholmen”, being situated in the Inner Oslo fjord, just outside the city of Oslo. Here the exact location where I found it: 59.879554532244974, 10.715278076089671

The bottle had been hidden within a bush of dog roses growing on the beach in a small cove. You will find attached some pictures of me posing with ”the treasure” and of the cove.

Under normal circumstances, I would not have discovered your message in the bottle, I suppose, since it was hidden very carefully. It was by pure chance, because me and my family (Susanne, my wife – visible in one of the pictures, Ronja and Cato, the ”kids” both in their twenties), all of us being nature lovers, took advantage of the fine weather that day and were combing the beaches to free them from plastic debris and other garbage.

It`s always extra satisfying when you can combine pleasure with doing something useful…
..and sometimes you even find something extraordinary like your message.

I was reading your log with interest and eagerness and even followed your journey on google maps. What a brave and exciting venture!
I shared the ups and downs of each single one of you, your mental ride
between both confidence and despair,
between hope and despondency,
between cheering enthusiasm and bone-crushing misery,
between glorifying self-confidence and nagging doubt about your social adequateness.

In a way, it was quite an emotional experience for me as well, since I was able to detect bits and pieces of myself and my own character in every single one of you.

In addition, your journey reminded me of a similar adventure I participated in myself a long time ago. As a student in my twenties, during the course of one week, a couple of friends and I crossed quite a stretch of the Swedish wilderness by canoe.
It was quite a soul-mining experience and I can only agree to Kaisa´s quote about such a journey exposing all our non-desirable characteristics. And, yes, this can be very painful indeed. For yourself and for the others.

During the lecture of your diary, I increasingly evolved a special sympathy for Kaisa in that way, that I also have to live with a handicap. About 2 years ago, I had a serious prolapse of a spinal disc. I have learned to live with the pain, which is fortunately low-level most of the time anyway.

Much harder to accept is the fact that I since lost a good part of my former strength in the small of my back and my legs, which makes me tired and nerveless after relatively short time. As mentioned before our family is very fond of nature and we like to go on long hikes.

But ever since my incident I am quickly falling behind and more often than not only see their backs in the distance. That makes me quite acquainted with Kaisa´s concerns and line of thoughts during your trip.

When coming to the end of your log, I was glad to read that your strenuous efforts, combined with a good portion of luck finally enabled you to accomplish your goal to everybody’s satisfaction. All’s well that ends well.

In my experience, when looking back after having spent more than two-third of an average lifetime, there are relatively few things in live which finally will stick to your memory. I very much assume that for all of you this journey is one of these rare experiences.

May be your efforts will be reciprocated, as Kaisa is putting it. May be not.
More important is that you paddle on. And most important is that you all manage to keep your friendship alive. There is not much more of higher value in life than good friends who will stick to you through thick and thin.

I had a good time reading your travel log. Thank you for your message in a bottle!

In spite of the adverse conditions currently dominating our lives I wish all you a Merry Christmas and, hopefully, all in all a much better New Year 2021!

May be your next project will be kayaking all the way to Oslo…? 😉
Let me know!

Dear Kaisa & Christoffer

My name is Raquel and I’m one lucky Finder.

I found your message in a bottle in Portugal, on a beach called Ribeira D’Ilhas near the village of Ericeira.

On Saturday 12th December I arrived at that beach in the morning, my favorite beach, my special place in the world. A walk on a rainy and cloudy day that turned into a completely magical day, thanks to your precious bottle.

After a walk collecting some rubbish and plastics that the tide brought to the beach, I sat resting on rocks, watching the sea. It was then that I saw a bottle, approached, and saw that there was a roll of paper inside.

I felt myself reliving a story of enchantment, I was transported to a magical world. It’s amazing the feeling of receiving a mysterious message in an unexpected way, from someone unknown, who may be from another time or another side of the planet.

Already at home, I opened the bottle to see what contained this treasure.

It was a day really full of joy and surprise thanks to your brilliant project.

Thank you so much for transforming my day in such a beautiful way!!!! I will read your story with all the enthusiasm and affection.

Thank you very much

Wish you the best


P.S. I send some photos of the beach and my day and hope we can keep in touch

Message in a bottle

Hi Kaisa & Christoffer,

I found your bottle at Oksenøya/Fornebu coast line 20 minutes south of Oslo Friday December 4th and I am now looking forward to read you story!

Hi guys!

Just wanted to tell you that I have found your bottled message on the beaches of Hovedøya in the Oslo fjord.

To be honest, I found your text to be a bit too long, so I havent read it all J

However, it seems you guys had a great adventure!

Kind regards,
Groundskeeper of Hovedøya

Message in a bottle

Hello, you made my day yesterday!! Found the bottle, near the red house on the photo. On the island Pörtö. How far has this bottle traveled? I remember your paddling tour from last summer! The family will have a lot of fun with this unusual message in a bottle.

Hello!!!!!! Message-in-a-Bottle….. PORTO – PORTUGAL

Dear Jonne, Miikka, Kaisa and Christoffer,
I’m from Porto, in Portugal and I’m the founder of one of your bottles, on 22-11-2020 at 12:21 (pm) 

I’m very happy and excited with your message-in-a-bottle, I’m a lucky girl… it’s a realization of my childhood imagination. ❤️ On my Sunday walk through the rocks I found it…. it was amazing… I spent Sunday afternoon reading your fantastic adventures along the Gulf of Finlandia…. I loved yours cartoons! Thank you so much for making me dream and believe…. ?

I send you some photos of this fantastic day… I’m very curious and I would like to know how many bottles you put in the sea and on what dates. It was very interesting to be able to get together all one of these days. I look forward to hearing from you.

Bottle found in Porvoo!

Hello and thanks for the travel diary!

On Tuesday November 3rd I went fishing after work by the Porvoo river, and as I was about to leave (the fish didn’t seem that hungry that night) I noticed a bottle by the riverbank.

I looked at the bottle and the roll of paper inside it, obviously placed there with great care. I recognized the drawing style as I’ve read one of your cycling-related comics before.

I thought the message in a bottle hadn’t traveled that far if it had left from the center of Porvoo and for a moment I considered letting it float further but gave in to my curiosity and took the bottle home to see what it was all about. So this was what it was about! The message had reached just the right person.

Interesting trip! I’ve never done anything similar myself, even though fishing would be the perfect excuse for going to all kinds of places. But it was fun reading about your trip. And I don’t think I’ll be finding anything similar any time soon…


Hey we found one of your bottles in Eyemouth Scotland!

Message in a bottle

I found your message in a bottle at a beach in Täktom! I enjoyed the reading! Good luck with your next trip!

Greetings from Hangö

Message in a Bottle oooh oh!

Found it under Liljeholmen Bridge Stockholm this Sunday. I was taking a long walk and sat down on a ”fence” at a parking lot under the bridge. Two reasons. The bridge was opening and I had brought a beer that I wanted to drink in solitaire but it seemed like every ”Stockholmer” was out walking the dog or their children. Also include picture cause I had to put the papers under pressure, it is a bit annoying when it rolls up al the time. Haven’t read the whole story yet but I so far I like the story, the idea and the layout/printing as well as the pictures of corse. Yeah that’s about it so far. One more thing I left the bottle at the same place I found it and just brought the message. I didn’t have anywhere to put the bottle.


Hello. I found one bottle. At 7.20am. 10.10.2020
I am from Portugal. I Live in Vila do Conde, near the city of Porto.

I hope everything is fine with you.
I’m waiting for an answer.
I found the idea fantastic.

Hello from Oslo, Norway

We found your bottle in the beach at Oslo. Very nice consept.  We are a couple in our mid-30s.
We send bottle in the sea again, so maybe other people will find it.

Hello Kaisa, Christoffer, Jonne & Miikka!

We found your cool message in a bottle on the beach at Bodösund. It made us were really really happy and surprised! We’ve read most of your fantastic books about your adventures!

We thought this format worked especially well for you, a message in a bottle is exciting and playful! Thanks for the message, we wish you fair winds on your upcoming trips!

Found your message in a bottle!

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer,

A little adventure story in return…

“It’s a rainy Saturday when I get into the car, waving my boyfriend goodbye. It feels a bit weird to leave without him. I planned this weekend with the idea that he would be away on a trip to Edinburgh with his friends. But due to COVID, their plans were cancelled. ‘You go by yourself babe, you’ve been planning this as a solo trip and that’s totally fine’ he said. So there I went.

I not only packed warm clothes and snacks, but also 2 sketchbooks and a pen case with art supplies. Since I’m an illustrator, I’m definitely planning on drawing this weekend. After an hour drive I check into my hotel room at a little coastal town called Castricum at sea. I can’t resist and rearrange the furniture a bit. I move the desk from facing the wall to facing the big window, overlooking the dunes, beach and sea.

Since it’s raining I treat myself to a big pot of tea and an hour of drawing. When the rain seems to lay down a bit, I quickly put on my hiking boots and raincoat for a beach walk. Within 5 minutes the rain picks up again, slowly soaking my jeans completely. Even though I normally despise rain, today I don’t mind. I’m smiling and enjoying the fact that I took this trip by myself.

When I look around for nice shells to take as a souvenir, I suddenly spot a bottle. A message in a bottle! I wonder if someone tried to throw it in the ocean from here? I can make out a few words though: something about an island in Finland. Has it really traveled all the way from there? I take the bottle with me, to open at the hotel room later. If it does turn out to be from here, I’ll try to throw it back into the ocean tomorrow, I decide.

An hour later I take off my boots, strip off my wet jeans and hang my raincoat to dry. I put on warm clothes and settle on the bed to open the bottle. The roll of paper inside is much bigger than I expected and an illustrative adventure enrolls in front of me. The illustrator in me gets more excited. I read the little note, explaining the treasure that I just found. After warming a bowl of soup I get comfortable and dive into the story, taking me on a kayak trip to the coast of Finland.”

Thank you so much for this! It was such a great surprise today to find it. It really felt like a little reward for the fact that I got out there in the rain, by myself. I enjoyed reading your personal story and experiences during that trip so much. I’ll take the bottle and the story home with me and put in my studio as a reminder to never stop taking adventures. Wheither it is with friends, a loved one or sometimes…just by myself.

Thanks again!

Message in a bottle

Good morning to you, Kaisa and Christoffer,

Yesterday morning my husband and I were walking along de seaside in our hometown Castricum in the Netherlands with our dogs.

We always take with us the litter that has been washed ashore along the night. In that litter we found your message. We took with us the paper and threw away the bottle.

Later we were reading that you would love to have a picture from us with the bottle. Thats a shame. We were very surprised that a bottle from Finland washed ashore in the Netherlands and were curious when you put it in the water. In all text we couldn’t find a date.

Dear Kaisa, Christoffer, Miikka and Jonne

It has been a real pleasure to read about your sea voyage to Utö island. It made me to dream about going to my own boat-journey (although I know I can´t stand being on sea – I get seasick in no time).

I (or actually my mother in law) found te letter in a bottle from the coast of Muhu Island (Estonia), not far from our home. It was found already a while ago, but it waited its time until I had enough time to read it without disturbance (having 3 little kids makes it quite difficult to find some peace and tranquility) and it took some more time to write this little note.

But here I am!

I really liked your message in a bottle, so you are welcome to send another one J

Message in a bottle

Hello, we found  this bottle in Tammisaari. The boys thought it was a nice surprise. ☺️ And they were excited to hear about your stories. 

Bottle post


I was at   fieldworks (I am botanist) in Naissaare Island (Finnish Gulf, Estonia) on the coast area on July 31, and found a bottle with your letter. Here I report of that as you asked. Coordinates of findings are: 59.53747 N; 24.53700E.
I just wondering if the bottle was thrown into the sea from a boat, or did you visited the island and just leave the bottle on the shore? Bottle was too clean for wander for long time in the water. I do not think that the bottle was very long time on the coast as well, but I did not find any dates of your trip either. I was late with this letter because of busy summer.

Sincerely, KV
University of Tartu

The Glass Bottle

I just found your bottle in Azul Norte Beach, Vila do Conde, Portugal ??. It’s such an amazing idea. Congrats on the good work.

Beijinhos de Portugal!

Message in a bottle!

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer,

Today on August 22nd 2020 I found a wonderful surprise on the beach by our summer home! The message in a bottle you’ve sent out landed on Hiiumaa, the biggest island in Estonia, near the Heltermaa harbor.

Thanks for the interesting and personal travel diaries and the wonderful illustrations! Unfortunately I couldn’t find a date in the letter, did you send it out in June 2020?

In the photo you can see the happy finder!

Dear Kaisa & Christoffer

My husband found your bottle in Kabli beach in Estonia (Häädemeeste, Pärnumaa).

He didn’t send message for you because he doesn’t read english and now I found those papers on the table and wanted to let you know.


I can not so good english. My mother found the message in a bottle. I start reading it!

Message in a bottle

Thanks for the message in a bottle with the interesting description of your kayak adventure along the southern coast!

I found the bottle among some stones on the beach near the archipelago museum in Näsby, Houtskär. I can tell that you’ve had a nice paddling tour and I hope you’ll also have a good time next time you’ll visit our beautiful archipelago.

Warm later summer greetings from Houtskär!

PS. I’ve also once sent out a message in a bottle myself, I threw it off a cargo ship at the Baltic Sea and received an answer from Fehmarn.

Helloo Kaisa & Christoffer!

We found your post on 1st of August at Naissaare, Estonia. It was really big suprise to us and give much fun for our night. We were celebrating our first wedding anniversary? And as I remember you had great kayak trip. Sorry for this short feedback?

Hope you find our letter someday!!!

Message in a bottle

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer,

A week ago we were enjoying the gorgeous scenery on Ahvenanmaa and decided to go visit the Herröskatan nature trail before returning home. Among the rocks and stones we found your message in a bottle! It is incredibly nicely done and the story brought many smiles to our faces. And now we also feel like going on a paddling trip. 😀

Thank you so much for the message in a bottle, it made our day and we’re going to hold on to your amazing artwork.


Hi! My son find your bottlepost Saturday from Sandö island, Porvoo.
It was nice suprise!


I found your message in a bottle in Näsby near the guest harbor. It looked like it hadn’t been in the water, have you visited Näsby yourself?

We live on Houtskär and know all the islands you’ve visited very well. You’ve created a fun project! I haven’t read all of it yet, there’s quite a bit to read, but I’m grateful that I was the one who found it. How many bottles have you distributed, or how did you do it?

Greetings from the archipelago!

Letter in the bottle


My mom found this bottle from our homebeach. Lohusalu, Estonia.

It was so great suprise and I’m really happy that someone still bother to write and send this kind of letters out. It encourages to do something liks that on our next trip also ?.

So, thank you for this lovely suprise.
NB: your travel diary was nice ?

Greetings from Åland

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer!

We found your message in a bottle under a pier in Mariehamn on Saturday July 18th. We had just arrived at Åland, and stopped at Mariehamn on our way to Eckerö where we started out a one-week sailing trip.

The message in a bottle was a happy surprise, as we hadn’t really packed anything to read on the trip. There are also many similarities between your paddling trip and our sailing trip. There were a few passages in the story that especially spoke to us sailors:

“There is no denyining it: When we leave the shores behind us we enter a world vastly different from the one we have come to know as our own – here, the laws of the land apply no more. Suddenly the ground is moving, and we are moving with it. It can be unnerving, just like freedom in some way always is. But once we let go of fear and learn to trust that the waves will carry us we will find ourselves dancing on the waves of joy.”


“The end of a journey is rarely as wondrous as the journey itself.”

The story also includes things like hope, frustration, joy over little things, becoming enchanted by seals, exceeding oneself and reaching a meditative state, which are also familiar to us from sailing trips. We also admired the illustrations and the richness of the English language.

Thanks for sharing your story with us! We wish you tail wind for your next trip!

Message in a bottle

We found your message in a bottle on Utö, probably the day after your had been there! ?
We walked out to Kesnäs and saw it already on our way to the cross and the star but at that time we just walked past it… but on the way back we got so curious we stopped and picked it up.

We live in Porvoo but have a summer cottage on Utö. This time we happened to have a guest, and went out to Kesnäs to show her the view and the memorial.

PS. It wasn’t so easy to get the message out of the bottle! ?

Found your message in a bottle!

Hello there, Kaisa and Christoffer!

I’m a college student from Arlington Virginia, in the United States. My family and I were on a vacation in the Outer Banks in North Carolina when my mom and dad found your message in a bottle while kayaking! I read it at breakfast over the course of a couple of days, and I can’t even begin to express how much it inspired me, and how glad I am that it came to us. This is such a sweet, thoughtful story, and I thought it was especially cool that it was based on an actual trip that you went on with your friends.

When we first found this bottle, our somewhat cynical American perspective instantly led my parents to believe that the contents were probably going to be an advertisement or something of the sort. We were so incredibly touched when we realized that it was simply a universal story about the joy of adventure. It touched me deeply to see that you had created something so lovely and sent it out into the world with no other motive than to share something beautiful with strangers.I do quite a bit of creative writing, and occasionally even some mediocre art, and I hope you won’t mind if I potentially do something of a similar nature and create my own message in a bottle story to drop along coastlines. If I do, I’ll be sure to send it to you guys first. : ) 

Thank you so much for inspiring and entertaining us, and we hope you’re well in these crazy times.


Mitt första kanotäventyr i år. (Man vet aldrig om det blir det sista.) I mitt ”fostervatten” Kyrkeby kile, Jörlanda, Stenungsund. Kvällen före midsommarafton.

Fågelfotografering, nakenbad, get-möte, strandfynd; en stor Valthornssnäcka och er flaskpost.

I found the bottle

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer
I wish to inform you that one of your bottles was found on the St.Ann beach in Dublin, Ireland on the 19th of June 2020.
I was strolling on the beach with my husband looking for driftwood and the bottle wa sitting in the grass.
I am half way reading your amazing story and I admire your writing skills and adventure you had.
Here are some pictures where I found the bottle. Keep in touch!

Message in a bottle!

Greetings from Ireland!!

We have found your message in the bottle and are currently reading your story! Here are some of the pictures we’ve took. Hope you’re safe


Found bottle

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer
I’m a 10 year old girl from Iceland. On June 17th, the Icelandic Independence Day, I took a walk alongside the Grótta beach with my parents. We were looking for spiral shells and found few small ones. Suddenly I saw a bootle laying close by and took it up, very surprised. When I opened it I was very happy to have found it and I looked up Utö on a map. I think I will try to visit one day. Thanks for making my day 🙂 

Found a bottle

Hello!Me and my family found one of the bottles near the dog beach in Coronado. Made our day!

Hi there!

Hi there Kaisa & Christoffer,
From all of Dive team number 2 in Sweden Stockholm we would like to thank you for the story. It was a fun find while getting ready for work with the first diver.

Found a Story in a bottle

Hi. I found your story in a bottle at Black’s  Beach in La Jolla California on Friday June 12 around 10:45 am. Looking  forward to hearing from you. 

Bottle message

Hey I found your. I come from Danmark and found your bottle in Hasle Bornholm. When did you send the bottle? God story by the Way. I found you’r bottle in a Cave. Well hope I hear from you!

Message in a bottle 13.6.2020

Hello Kaisa and Cristoffer,
I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. Our resident birdwatcher spotted your message in a bottle while we were on a daytrip hiking on Bodvattnet runt near Svedjehamn. After much deliberation (a bomb and a corona trap were mentioned) we decided to pick up and open the bottle and found a very nice surprise in the form of your wonderful story. We had great fun reading about your adventures on our way back home to Lempäälä.

About the bottle

This bottle is amazing thank you so much ya’ll made my summer better and i promise i am gonna read everything!


Jag har hittat er flaskpost på stranden i Klagshamn utanför Malmö och det är Öresundsbron i horisonten.Vi håller med om att det ska vara fred på jorden och att alla hjälps åt . Jag arbetar aktivt på det och jag uppmuntrar er att besöka hemsidan JW.org!

Letter in the Bottle / Lithuania, Klaipeda

Hi Kaisa & Christoffer,

My name is D. I am 23 years old, student of Lcc International University. I found your bottle on the Melnerages Beach, Klaipeda. 

I decided that to go take some pictures and took with me a trash bag to clean the trash as I walk by the beach. Coming closer to cafe “Ateik Ateik” hundred meters from it I picked your bottle up and I was really surprised! 

Couldn’t actually believe for few seconds that it was actually what it is. Straight posted my finding to my Instagram acc, tho I am not a big reader and it took me sometime to get myself to read the story.

I enjoyed it from the serving till the very end. Loved the cartoons, personal thoughts and motivation that I receive reading it to embrace myself for new expeditions and explorations. I am myself a traveler and I loved to read the story that I can relate myself. I am very happy that such people like you exist, and spreading their message in such unique and special way that brings so much joy as well as wisdom. Thank you very much! I loved it!

Sending you the pictures I made for you that day, as I found a bottle and after it I went to molas.

If you need something else from me, I will be glad to help you!


Thank you for the letter in the bottle!

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer,
We found your message in a bottle on the shore near Kaivopuisto. We were biking with my husband and son and took off to throw some stones into the sea. The boys discovered the bottle while I was picking some flowers. My husband wanted to open it immediately but I was hesitant cause I thought someone has hidden it as a secret and it was not meant for strangers.

Luckily his curiosity prevailed over my reason. Would be a pity not to read your letter. It’s a wonderful story, both the text and the comics beautifully done! For me this finding is symbolical cause it reached me in the right moment.

After reading the message I was thinking a lot about how we travel physically but also mentally or even spiritually pursuing some goal. It’s about the liberty to go with the flow but also humility before the elements stronger than us, about respect and love to our travel companions, about going not straight forward to our goal but navigating towards it in smooth zigzags, about the ability to wait and and the same time be determined to make one last leap.

Your message was a real treasure to find, thank you!

Have a wonderful journey!

I found your message in a bottle!

Hello, I saw this bottle floating around by the coastline when I was out walking in the sunshine by the Olympia terminaali with my parents. At first i thought, ”hmm, so sad to see pollution in the sea”. But then when I took a closer look I noticed that there was something rolled up in it. When I told my parents what I was seeing my mother instantly realised that is was a message in a bottle. I got really excited and my imagination started to wonder!

”What if it’s from another country!?” ”What might it say on the paper?” ”What if someone wrote their entire life history on it!” And of course, I wondered if the person who threw this in the sea put their phone number on it or an e-mail address. And would you look at that, here i am writing this message to this totally random e-mail address hoping they will write back.
Regarding the story, I thought it was quite interesting!

I also got this feeling that you are Swedish speaking fins, so. Hej, om jag har totalt fel och ni inte förstår ett ord av det jag skriver så kan ni bara svara på engelska igen men annars så får ni gärna svara på svenska.  Jag tyckte att er resa verkade ganska tuff, jag ska själv till Lappland och fiska/vandra med min pappa senare under sommaren och tycker mycket om ute liv. 

If you can’t understand what i just wrote in Swedish then just ignore it.Where did this bottle set off on its journey to me? When was it thrown into the sea? In other words, how long has it been floating around? I found this bottle 22.05.2020. 

Message in a bottle 20.5.2020

I’m from Sipoo, Southern Finland and I found one of your messages in Djupsund! Here is a picture with the exact coordinates.

I was casually out with my friends, kind of celebrating my birthday (20.5.2020) with a Subway sandwich and a couple of beverages at the shore, when I saw the bottle. It was hid under a red boat shed, which is really close to where we keep our rowing-boats.

Even though I turned 23 that day, I was SO over the moon! I’ve grown up in the archipelago and I’m studying Nature- and environmental stuff at the moment and in a year or two, I’ll graduate as a Luonto-Ohjaaja. So this message was AMAZING to find and read!

Even the language you used in the story was amazing! And Christoffer’s ability to describe stuff! Wow…

I guess there’s not much more I can do on my half anymore, but I definitely hope that we could be in touch!

With kind regards, the luckiest, happiest birthday gal

Hei Kaisa & Christoffer

I found your bottle near Longyearbyen at Svalbard yesterday 4th May.  Of course with the logbook of the 10 days of kayaking. Very exciting and fun to find the bottle 🙂

Just wonder if you’re still alive and well, let me hear and I’ll give you more info!

I’ve added some photos from this beautiful place, the one of the polar fox actually from yesterday when I found the bottle. Still winter here, but we’ve had the midnight sun since 19th April and that’s really wonderful, less sleeping 🙂

I’ve been living here for almost ten years with my wife, and still no plans for returning to the mainland.

Have a nice spring evening.

Best wishes

From Salacgriva Latvia

Hello, Kaisa & Christoffer

My name is A and i found your message in the bottle in Salacgriva, Latvia behind the old harbour.

I was really surprised and exited to find this bottle. I am traveling a lot around the Latvia, Europe and World, but i never been to Utö. Now that is my goal, to go there when crisis with coronavirus will come to the end.

Good luck and hope to see you at your island in the future.

Bottle found outside Malmö, Sweden

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer,

This Thursday (23/4) I found your bottle post by the beach of Klagshamn just outside Malmö, Sweden. It was summer in the air and me and my friend were on a bike excursion to the seaside. When she was taking a nap I took a walk at the beach and all of a sudden, to my big surprise, I saw a bottle with a wrapped message in it laying in the dried seaweed! I woke up my friend and we took part of your message.

Thank you for sharing your story, for your creative way of communicating it to the world and the excellent artwork.

All the best from Malmö, Sweden.

We’ve found one of your bottle!

I’m French but I leave with my family in Svalbard since last August. Few days ago, I found your bottle during a walk along the seashore of Longyearbyen. I was with my 7 years old son, and he was so enthusiastic about this discovery, specially because, for all the morning we were playing in an old ship, imagining adventures and treasures…and we get our treasure with this message in the bottle! You give me the opportunity to be back in childhood: I was as excited as my son !

I really like the way you spread your work/adventure to the casualty: it’s romantic, mysterious and generous in the same way. Completely out of time with our modern way to communicate and that’s soooo nice!!I also appreciate your dairy full of humour and funny drawings. 

Best of luck to all of U and thanks again for this beautiful gift that really inspire me and my son! 

Message in the bottle

Hello dear Kaisa & Christoffer!

I am Laura and I had found your story in the bottle here in Lithuania, just there lying on the beach and waiting for me! I found it on 5th of february after the really strong wind period. Please found attached a photo for the proof 😉 I really enjoyed reading your diary about the kayak journey 😉 

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer

What a delightful surprise to find your message in a bottle!  I found it on Wednesday in a small wooden boat on the fjord shoreline in Longyearbyen, Svalbard.  It is very appropriate as I feel like a castaway myself!  My husband and I were here visiting our son when we became unable to get home to England! We have been here a number of weeks and actually consider ourselves very lucky to be here and not in England at present, and to have more time with our son than we have had for years.  

Your account is very nice and if I were much younger would have loved such an expedition!  We have a friend who is a sea kayaker and I will send it to him, as I know he will enjoy it, and he was very taken with what he saw of your illustrations in a photo I sent him.  Many hours must have gone into your project and it has certainly brought some added interest and entertainment at a very strange time in the history of our planet.

Thank you!

Your bottle was found in Estonia, Pärnumaa

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer,

And hello from Estonia, Pärnumaa County where I found one of your bottles. And sorry for delayed answer.

The bottle was hidden on the grounds of the Tackerorth Manor, next to the shoreline.

I envy you for a such eventfull journey you had made. I wish I would have had such a courage when I was younger. I am sure that you will remember this trip of yours for a very long time. Congratulatios of it.

The Tackerorth Manor is a very old Manor house which is dating from mid-1300 and is an essential part of the history of Pärnumaa. On the place of the Manor, there has been at least two churches which fires had destroyed. The Manor was housed in the 1500 by the Chief of the Pärnu military castle, later as King’s manor (King of Finland and Sweden), housed later by many noble persons. Etc. When the last wooden church did burn mid 1800, the Russian Tsar’s wife gave money for a new brick church which still exists in area. And not the least, Estonia’s first President, Konstantin Päts, was born on the neighbouring property (part which was sold to the father of Konsttantin).

If your team is planning another trip, I would propose the west coast (with islands) for a historical trip. The islands still have the original touch. There existed vikings of their own. Not to mention that danish vikings sailed here and mastered the waters. And swedes, and germans, and poles, and russians.


We found message in a bottle today!! Amazing!! Gunnarstrand in Hanko, Finland!! You made my/our day.

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer

Yesterday we found the bottle in the Port of Gothenburg during a safety round.

It was with great pleasure and surprise we spotted the bottle floating in the port basin.

This is not a ordinary happening so this made our day?

Looking forward to read you story.

Best regards 

Message in a bottle

It’s true you can find happiness, indeed you can.

Today it was found at Slaktis in Hanko. The finders will return the happiness when the timing is right – but before that we dance. It’s almost like Jumanji. It’s almost like an adventure.

It’s Easter. And we found a message in a bottle!

You got mail.


I found the bottle in Hanko when I was on my morning swim 11.4.20 HUS-beach. It was very intresteding to read about your trip in the archipelago. There are many beautiful places in the archipelago and Hanko is a little nice town next to the sea we all have to take care of the nature. Thank you for taking part in your trip!

Message in a bottle found in Menton today 4 Mars 2020

Dear Kaisa & Christoffer,

To day, 4 Mars 2020, I found your message in a bottle in the port of Menton Garavan on the Côte d’A zur.  In France.
Menton is located on the border between France and Italy, between the Côte d’Azur and the Italian Riviera.

We were here on holiday from 8 February to 7 March 2020.

We attended the lemon parties.

Good luck with your stories and message in a bottle.


We fin this botte attendre Nice in France.  Good Luck.  Bye bye 


Hello Kaisa and Christoffer!

I happened to find your story from the beach of Kabli along the Gulf of Livonia. 

It was a great supprise to find a bottle letter – as always (the first time I found one turned out to be from a girl from the same village trying to send out a bottle letter and not realizing that the winds usually come from the sea, so it is quite tricky to send out one, but you may always try…). At first I was a little bit disappointed that the letter did not came with waves, but then I might not have had the chance to read the story. 

My mother suddenly walked towards me on the beach, so I showed my find to her too and she said, joking, that if it is nothing special, I can always bring it back to the beach.

But I have to admit that I am not willing to give up that story. It was especially interesting and fun to read as I am beginner kayaker myself. 

So happy that it was me, who stumbled upon that!!! Thank you a lot and good luck with your next adventures! Looking forward to the sequel!

Marie from Kabli village, Häädemeeste parish, Estonia


Hello I don’t speak english very well but I found your message in a bottle I am french found the bottle in Nice. You make a good job the drawing and the story  are  so cool 

It was a very good Idea to send it by the sea ?  

The bottle with the message ;)


Today we found your bottle with the message. Thanks, it’s a nice story with amazing pictures. We found it at Lauttasaari island near Helsinki, Finland.

When and where did you leave it?

Our twins found Your bottle!


23,02,2020 after big storm we went visit the to our beach and ohh ohh oo surprise our twins found a treasure bottle. We live in Estonia in Treimani village, Häädemeeste parish of Pärnu County.

Message in a bottle

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer

We are glad to tell you that we found one of your bottles on a beach in Nice France.

We are mother and son. My son was so proud to find your bottle. His imagination ran wild at that moment!

I am an English teacher and will read / translate to him your story soon.

My son found the bottle last Sunday on a small beach called la Réserve in Nice harbour. It was totally unexpected since we never go there, we had decided to have a picnic and wanted a quiet place to enjoy the sea. 

My son has a few questions for you:

– how many bottles have you spread around the world?

– where (not the very precise places)? Which countries

– have you ever been in Nice? Did you hide the bottle yourselves or did you ask somebody to do it for you?

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Dear Kaisa and Christoffer

Just wanted to let you know how happy my father in law was when at the beginning of this February he found a bottle with your wonderful Logbook story in it. 

Lady Luck let this bottle swim to the coast of Estonia and it landed 5 km from Pärnu city beach. 

Parents of my wife (in age of 79 and 78 years) don’t speak English and they asked me to contact you and let you know how incredible feeling it was to find something like this in nowadays world. They are very thankful and now its my duty to translate them your and your friends Logbook. They live in Pärnu close to the sea and on their regular daily walking with their dog they found your bottle.