I found your message in a bottle!
Hello, I saw this bottle floating around by the coastline when I was out walking in the sunshine by the Olympia terminaali with my parents. At first i thought, ”hmm, so sad to see pollution in the sea”. But then when I took a closer look I noticed that there was something rolled up in it. When I told my parents what I was seeing my mother instantly realised that is was a message in a bottle. I got really excited and my imagination started to wonder!
”What if it’s from another country!?” ”What might it say on the paper?” ”What if someone wrote their entire life history on it!” And of course, I wondered if the person who threw this in the sea put their phone number on it or an e-mail address. And would you look at that, here i am writing this message to this totally random e-mail address hoping they will write back.
Regarding the story, I thought it was quite interesting!
I also got this feeling that you are Swedish speaking fins, so. Hej, om jag har totalt fel och ni inte förstår ett ord av det jag skriver så kan ni bara svara på engelska igen men annars så får ni gärna svara på svenska. Jag tyckte att er resa verkade ganska tuff, jag ska själv till Lappland och fiska/vandra med min pappa senare under sommaren och tycker mycket om ute liv.
If you can’t understand what i just wrote in Swedish then just ignore it.Where did this bottle set off on its journey to me? When was it thrown into the sea? In other words, how long has it been floating around? I found this bottle 22.05.2020.