I found your message!

I found your message!

Hello Kaisa and Christoffer!

I found your message in a bottle a few of months ago in South Dartmouth, Massachusetts, USA. Please forgive my slow reply! I found it on the side of a road that leads to a beach a mile from my home. I was walking my dog. I saw the bottle and decided to just leave it as it was way up the hill, a mile from the beach where it could not have been washed ashore. And it looked as though it had not been battered by the sea. So, naturally, I was suspicious, and though it looked like a message in a bottle, I though it must just be some advertisement for something, I will be 71 years old in May, and did not have glasses with me and could not read the writing to clear up my confusion.

After about the third time walking by with my dog, and it was still there, I decided I would bring it home and see what it was. It was a wonderful surprise to see that it was indeed a message from afar, though how it came to be at the top of this beach road in such pristine condition, I do not understand…

You had a most challenging and interesting voyage indeed, which I read with great interest! Bravo to you all for succeeding! Your narrative is engaging and well written and I was brought right into your experience, which I appreciated!

Thank you for reaching out and sharing your adventure in this way. It gave me great pleasure. I wish you much joy and success in your future endeavors.