The Message

The Message

Dear Kaisa & Christoffer,

We found one of your messages in a bottle on 15th May 2021 on the rock formations next to the Fort of Saint Susana, one hour walking distance from Ericeira beach in Portugal.

It has been with us for some time and just now I find the time to write to you and let you know. Having seen the already found bottles on your Logbook and the amount of your letters found on Ericeira beach, I wonder if ours was already left by some other finder.

Sadly the bottle was so firmly stuck in between some rocks that it broke while we were trying to get it out. The letter inside didn’t get damaged, though.

Funny that being an Estonian, a neighbour to Finland, I should find this message in a bottle in my second home country – Portugal!

All the best for your future adventures,
L & J