Bottle found in Porvoo!

Bottle found in Porvoo!

Hello and thanks for the travel diary!

On Tuesday November 3rd I went fishing after work by the Porvoo river, and as I was about to leave (the fish didn’t seem that hungry that night) I noticed a bottle by the riverbank.

I looked at the bottle and the roll of paper inside it, obviously placed there with great care. I recognized the drawing style as I’ve read one of your cycling-related comics before.

I thought the message in a bottle hadn’t traveled that far if it had left from the center of Porvoo and for a moment I considered letting it float further but gave in to my curiosity and took the bottle home to see what it was all about. So this was what it was about! The message had reached just the right person.

Interesting trip! I’ve never done anything similar myself, even though fishing would be the perfect excuse for going to all kinds of places. But it was fun reading about your trip. And I don’t think I’ll be finding anything similar any time soon…